#stayinformed June 19: EVOLIO's collection of interesting event marketing news + some other stuff
Updated: Jul 7, 2020
Here we are still #WFH but so much has changed over the last few months. Virtual events are popping up for every industry and today on June 19th, people are celebrating as more companies are recognizing Juneteenth as a holiday by giving employees the day off.
I'm sharing another series of websites and content that I'm finding interesting, useful, thoughtful, fun, or just simply a good read. Please share info that you think is interesting. Subscribe to my blog by clicking on "Sign-up" above :-)
How to Keep Your Virtual Attendees Engaged

Keeping online event attendees focused and engaged is challenging. Consider going beyond endless sessions and presentations and incorporate networking, wellness, and social activities that gets attendees excited, interacting, and out of there seat. Check out these great ideas provided by PC/Nametag...
Health & Safety Playbook
From TSNN News

With major cities starting to reopen and some face-to-face events preparing to get back to business, learn how these three leading event industry organizations’ health and safety guidelines are assisting show organizers, contractors and venues in safely planning and producing exhibitions during and following a global health crisis. Read more...
We Are Celebrating Our Emancipation. We Are Asking You to Take Action.
Listen up, allies.
From AdWeek By Gabrielle Royal

Emancipation is in the DNA of our nation. Just as we celebrate the Fourth of July, Juneteenth symbolically marks the end of oppression for Black communities devastated by 400 years of slavery. This year marks the 155th annual celebration of Juneteenth in America, where currently, 47 states publicly recognize and observe this day of significance.
Read more... (Registration is required)
Las Vegas Among the First Major U.S. Cities to Reopen for BusinessÂ
From TSNN By Kelsey Ogletree

Las Vegas is now welcoming back guests and the Las Vegas Convention Center is among the first convention centers in the nation to pursue the GBAC STAR accreditation focused on cleaning, disinfection and infection disease prevention. To learn about the program’s 20 elements, including standard operating procedures and emergency preparedness and response measures, you should read this.
Free! Online Marketing Courses

Take free marketing courses online from top universities like Columbia, Berkeley, and UBC. Learn digital marketing, social media marketing, marketing analytics and more and enroll in advanced programs designed to get you on a path to a new career in a marketing field.

CoolUrbanHippie Makes Great Art
Get inspired by Memphis brand consultant and artist Eso Tolson and then support his craft by shopping his site and buying some dope stuff. Follow Eso on Instagram (must be logged in to IG for link to work)

You probably recognize Leslie Jordan from Will & Grace or his appearances in American Horror Story but if you’re not following him on Instagram, then you’re definitely missing out on a daily dose of hilarity.  Find him on Instagram (must be logged in to IG for link to work)
Unlock Your Potential with Calhoun Coaching & Consulting

Asila Calhoun’s business and executive coaching practice focuses on partnering with new leaders, emerging leaders, and leaders and executives who are ready for change. Asila facilitates this change during one-on-one coaching sessions with her clients and through her consulting services of delivering leadership training, team facilitation, and offering talent development assessments. Asila works with her clients to develop a customized approach for each client’s unique situation.
Find Your Fit and Amplify Your Brand

Liz Van Voorhis is the founder of FIT Collective, an agency on a mission to make the world a healthier place by connecting like minded brands in order to grow partnerships and reach more customers. Liz also happens to be an inspiring health and wellness coach and hosts weekly fitness classes on Instagram Live.
EVOLIO Marketing
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